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1st Week

January 7th, 2007 at 06:29 am

I watched my spending and took an extra 7 hours on my p/t job. I am planning on paying a credit card off on Friday and then I will start working on the next card. It is very nice to notice some progress.
I need to work on the instant gratification issues I have. I want to get out of debt right now, the same way that I got into debt. Those cards are so easy, just type in a few numbers and voila a nice shiny something gets delivered to your door. I guess most things are like that.

I had a great New Years, my parents came out to visit for the long weekend and we had a great time. I was amazed at how fast the weekend went even with having the extra day off on Monday. I'm lucky that I'm able to telecommute with my 2nd job and I only had to work one shift while they were here.

My goals this week are to stick to my budget with absolutely no IMPULSE buying.